Case Study - Keskidee Marketing transforms YRH’s Achilles heel into a profit-generating function!

Keskidee Marketing transforms YRH’s Achilles heel into a profit-generating function!


Many businesses can identify issues within marketing, but not all of them are able to resolve them. This was the frustrating and stressful situation facing Jennifer Raines, Founder and Managing Director at YRH. Money was being spent but the central marketing function wasn’t generating 25% of the business needed for sustainability, let alone growth.


Contributed towards the number of sales meetings increasing by 300%
‘Client wins’ from central marketing activities doubled
Cohesion and confidence within the company soared

Company Details

Your Right Hand Finance Team was established in 2007 and offers flexible finance services to SMEs throughout the UK. Recognising that a full-time finance manager might not be needed, let alone afforded, YRH focus on professionalising the operations finance function in turn allowing the business to grow from the resulting efficiencies and better cash flow.

Market Sector

Financial Services

Organisation Size

20 – 100


UK Wide



Enter Keskidee Marketing.

Having come highly recommended, Keskidee Marketing quickly became the driving force behind properly setting up the marketing function. Branding and core values were established, strategic plans were brought to fruition and leads were generated. Sales and marketing teams started working in unison, which was quickly reflected in YRH’s conversion rates.

Part-time outsourced marketing manager provision was the perfect and affordable lifeline that YRH desperately needed. It also produced results, which ultimately is what every company needs.

Read how Keskidee Marketing solved all these issues and more!

“Bridget was like a breath of fresh air for me. She was competent and confident, and she made things happen … Keskidee Marketing took the stress out of marketing for both the business and me… They were key to sorting out our operational marketing function until we needed and could afford, a full-time marketing manager for the next step of our journey, and it was a delight working with Bridget, it felt like she had our back!

Jennifer Raines, Founder & Managing Director, Your Right Hand Finance Team

When we're first contacted by anyone wanting to understand how Keskidee might help, we always suggest that perhaps the first stage might be to book a Discovery Call. This takes the form of an hour or sometimes more where it warrants it, where we talk through the challenges the organisation feel they are facing; get an understanding for what marketing is being done already, how successful it is; whether there is an inhouse team or not and where the organisation really feels they need some help. From that a plan of action is drawn up. There is rarely one size fits all. We like to ensure each plan is unique to your own set of needs and that's where the Discovery Call plays such an important part. So, if you think that might work for you then why not get in touch.